Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
As we usher in 2025, at Hirewand, we are committed to building recruitment software that truly meets our customers’ needs.
Our Goal
At Hirewand we are building a software that can be precisely customized to every company’s unique processes and workflow. Hirewand is a “design your own” recruitment workflow solution, allowing you to integrate the power of AI, automation, business intelligence, programmable workflows and more to drive recruitment.
There is a deluge of softwares out there claiming to solve the recruitment challenge with a silver bullet. If you’ve been in recruitment long enough, you’ll recall hearing of a new silver bullet every 2 or 3 years. In this world of supposed silver bullets, why are we at Hirewand taking this path of building a solution that that focusses on the customer’s specific process and can mold itself to make that process work?
The Challenge
Insights from our customers, combined with our own efforts to create a system that truly serves them, have driven us to solve the challenge of building a customizable recruitment platform that eliminates compromises and adapts to each company’s unique needs.
Every company we have engaged with have their own distinct recruitment workflow, while the HR-Tech market is filled with cookie-cutter software. Things are only worsening with the influx of solutions offering increasingly narrow and specialized capabilities.
- Relying on a cookie-cutter solution forces companies to compromise and adjust their processes to fit the rigid structures defined by these softwares.
- As for softwares with narrow and specialized capabilities, companies are expected to juggle multiple such tools to make their end-to-end process work.
- A tempting alternative would be to build an in-house software that precisely meets the companies need. Companies that have done this have tales of the money spent, the years it took to build the solution, and the effort/cost of keeping the system working. This is a massive distraction for companies who should be focusing on business, revenue, and margins rather than building in-house systems that distract them from the core business.
Our Solution
We are creating a truly customizable SaaS platform that can be molded to a company’s unique needs. Hirewand will handle every step of the hiring process as per the company’s “design” with no compromises or limits. Companies can configure and customize Hirewand to reflect their complete recruitment process. At every step companies can choose to leverage AI, automation, rule driven process enforcement, analytics, predictive intelligence and more.
In addition to our focus on customizability, we believe that choosing Hirewand as a platform should not prevent our customers from leveraging the best-of-breed specialized software that offers real value at any stage in the recruitment flow. This principle reflects in our support for seamless plug and play with any 3rd party software in Hirewand. Our goal is to provide a seamless and automated experience across all of the software.
For us here at Hirewand this is an ongoing journey, one that we are committed to with renewed focus for the year 2025.
Here is to wishing you a spectacular New Year!
Thank you,
Shiva Maran
Please feel free to reach out with any suggestions on what we can do more in Hirewand to make your life easier at shiva.maran@hirewand.com